Catching A Thief

: Part I.
: Folklore Of The Santal Parganas

There was once a rich Raja; and in order to frighten away thieves

whenever he woke up at night he used to call out--

"What are you people saying? I know all about it:

You are digging the earth and throwing the earth away:

I know all about it: you are skulking there scraping a hole."

One night a gang of thieves really came and began to dig a hole

the mud wall of the Raja's house. And while they were at work

the Raja woke up and called out as usual. The thieves thought that

they were discovered and bolted. The next morning the hole they had

been making was found, and the Raja ordered his sipahies to catch the

thieves. The head of all the thieves was a Bhuyan by caste and for

five rupees he would catch any thief you wanted. So the sipahies were

told to bring this Bhuyan and they went to a potter and asked. "Ho,

maker of pots, he who makes whole paddy into china: where does he

live?" And the potter answered. "He who heats pewter; his house is

over there." Following this direction they found the Bhuyan and he

caught the thieves for them.

