The Sea Gull


It is believed that when sea gulls leave the sea for the mountains it is

a sign of stormy weather.

A few years ago I was walking from Corwen to Gwyddelwern, and I overtook

an aged man, and we entered into conversation. Noticing the sea gulls

hovering about, I said, there is going to be a storm. The answer of my

old companion was, yes, for the sea gull says before starting from the

sea shore:--


Drychin, drychin,

Awn i'r eithin;

and then when the storm is over, they say one to the other, before they

take their flight back again to the sea:--

Hindda, hindda,

Awn i'r morfa.

which first couplet may be translated:--

Foul weather, foul weather,

Let's go to the heather;

and then the two last lines may be rendered:--

The storm is no more,

Let's go to the shore.

This was the only occasion when I heard the above stanza, and I have

spoken to many aged Welshmen, and they had not heard the words, but every

one to whom I spoke believed that the sea gulls seen at a distance from

the sea was a sign of foul weather.

