Charm For Fits
Welsh Folk-lore
A ring made out of the offertory money was a cure for fits. About the
year 1882 the wife of a respectable farmer in the parish of Efenechtyd
called at the rectory and asked the rector's wife if she would procure a
shilling for her from the offering made at Holy Communion, out of which
she was going to have a ring made to cure her fits. This coin was to be
given unsolicited and received without thanks.
e Rev. J. D. Edwards, late vicar of Rhosymedre, informed the writer
that his parishioners often obtained silver coins from the offertory for
the purpose now named. So as to comply with the conditions, the
sufferers went to Mrs. Edwards some time during the week before
Sacrament Sunday, and asked her to request Mr. Edwards to give him or
her a shilling out of the offertory, and on the following Monday the
afflicted person would be at the Vicarage, and the Vicar, having already
been instructed by Mrs. Edwards, gave the shilling without uttering a
word, and it was received in the same manner.
Another charm for fits was to procure a human being's skull, grind it
into powder, and take it as medicine.