Dinewan The Emu And Wahn The Crows

: Australian Legendary Tales

Dinewan and his two wives, the Wahn, were camping out. Seeing some

clouds gathering, they made a bark humpy. It came on to rain, and they

all took shelter under it. Dinewan, when his wives were not looking,

gave a kick against a piece of bark at one side of the humpy, knocked

it down, then told his wives to go and put it up again. When they were

outside putting it up, he gave a kick, and knocked down a piece on the

r side; so no sooner were they in again than out they had to go.

This he did time after time, until at last they su spected him, and

decided that one of them would watch. The one who was watching saw

Dinewan laugh to himself and go and knock down the bark they had just

put up, chuckling at the thought of his wives having to go out in the

wet and cold to put it up, while he had his supper dry and comfortably

inside. The one who saw him told the other, and they decided to teach

him a lesson. So in they came, each with a piece of bark filled with

hot coals. They went straight up to Dinewan, who was lying down


"Now," they said, "you shall feel as hot we did cold." And thev threw

the coals over him. Dinewan jumped up. crying aloud with the pain, for

he was badly burnt. He rolled himself over, and ran into the rain; and

his wives stayed inside, and laughed aloud at him.

