Karmu And Dharmu

: Part I.
: Folklore Of The Santal Parganas

There were once two brothers Karmu and Dharmu. Karmu was a farmer and

Dharmu was a trader; once when Dharmu was away from home Karmu gave

a religious feast and did not invite Dharmu's household; when Dharmu

returned and learnt this, he told his wife that he also would perform

the ceremonies in his house, so they set to work and were employed

in cooking rice and vegetables far into the night; and Karam Gosain

came down
o see what preparations Dharmu was making in his honour,

and he watched from the back of the house.

Just then Dharmu strained off the water from the cooked rice and threw

it out of the window, and it fell on Karam Gosain and scalded him, and

as the flies and insects worried the wound, Karam Gosain went off to

the Ganges and buried himself in the middle of the stream. As he had

thus offended Karam Gosain, all Dharmu's undertakings failed and he

fell into deep poverty, and had not even enough to eat, so he had to

take service with his brother Karmu. When the time for transplanting

the rice came, Dharmu used to plough and dig the ditches and mend the

gaps along with the day labourers. Karmu told him not to work himself

but act as overseer of the other labourers, and the labourers also told

him that it was not suitable for him to work as a labourer himself,

but Dharmu said that he must earn his wages and insisted on working;

and in the same way Dharmu's wife might have acted as overseer of

the women, but she was ashamed not to work too.

One day they were transplanting the rice and Karmu brought out

breakfast for the labourers; he told Dharmu and his wife to wash their

hands and come and eat; but they answered that they belonged to the

household and that the hired labourers should be fed first, so the

labourers ate and they ate up all the rice and there was nothing left

for Dharmu and his wife. When the midday meal was brought the same

thing happened, Dharmu and his wife got nothing; but they hoped that

it would be made up to them when the wages were paid, and worked

on fasting. At evening when they came to pay the wages in kind,

Dharmu's name was called out first, but he told his brother to pay

the labourers first, and in doing this the paddy was all used up and

there was nothing left for Dharmu and his wife; so they went home

sorrowfully and their children cried for food and they had nothing

to give them. In the night Dharmu's wife said "They promised to pay

us for merely looking after the work and instead, we worked hard

and have still got nothing. We will not work for them anymore; come,

let us undo the work we did to-day, you cut down the embankments you

repaired, and I will uproot the seedlings which I planted." So they

went out into the night to do this. But whenever Dharmu raised his

spade a voice called out "Hold, hold!" And whenever his wife put out

her hand to pull up the rice a voice called out "Hold, hold!" Then they

said "Who are you who stop us?" And the voice answered "You have done

evil and offended Karam Gosain by scalding him; this is why you have

become poor and to-day have worked without food and without wages;

he has gone to the Ganges and you must go and propitiate him." And

they asked how they should propitiate him, and the voice said "Grind

turmeric and put it on a plate, and buy new cloth and dye it with

turmeric and make ready oil and take these things to the Ganges and

call on Karam Gosain." And they believed the voice and the next day

did as it commanded, and set off, leaving their children in charge

of Karmu. On the way they came to a fig-tree full of figs and they

went to eat the fruit; but when they got near they found that all

the figs were full of grubs, and they sang:--

"Exhausted by hunger we came to a fig-tree,

And found it full of grubs,

O Karam Gosain, how far off are you?"

Then they came to a mango tree and the same thing happened. And they

went on and saw a cow with a calf; and they thought that they would

milk the cow and drink the milk, but when they went to catch it it

ran away from them and would not let itself be caught; and they sang:--

"We go to catch the cow and it runs away,

We go to catch the calf and it runs away,

O Karam Gosain how far off are you?"

But the cow said to them--"Go to the banks of the Ganges." Then

they came to a buffalo and went to milk it, but it lowered its head

and charged them; and Dharam cried but his wife said "Don't cry"

and sang:--

"If you go to catch the buffalo, Dharmu,

It will kill you.

How shall we drink milk? How shall we drink milk?

How far off are you, O our Karam Gosain?"

And the buffalo said "Go on to the bank of the Ganges." Then they came

to a horse and they thought that they would catch it and mount it,

but it kicked and snorted; and they sang:--

"Dharmu tries to catch the horse:

But it kicks and runs away.

How shall we reach the Ganges?

O Karam Gosain, how far off are you?"

And the horse said "Go to the banks of the Ganges." Then they saw an

elephant but it would not let them approach, so they decided to push

on straight for the river; and they saw under a banyan tree a large

pot full of rupees, but they were so disheartened that they made no

attempt to touch it; then they met a woman who asked where they were

going and when she heard, she said "For twelve years I have had a pai

measure stuck on my throat; ask Karam Gosain for me how I am to get

rid of it," and they promised; and going on they met a woman with a

bundle of thatching grass stuck to her head; and she made them promise

to ask Karam Gosain how she could be freed; then they met a woman with

both her feet burning in a fire and another with a stool stuck fast

to her back and they promised to enquire how these might be delivered.

So at last they came to the Ganges and they stood on the bank and

called to Karam Gosain; and when he came they caught hold of him and

he said "Fie, what low caste person is touching me?" But they said. "It

is no low caste person, but Dharmu." Then they bathed him and anointed

him with oil and turmeric and wrapped him in the new cloth which they

had brought, and thus they persuaded him to return; so they rose up

to go back, and Dharmu asked about the women whom they had met, and

Karam Gosain said: "The woman has a stool stuck to her back because

when visitors came she never offered them a seat; let her do so in

future, and she will be freed; and the woman has her feet burning in

the fire because she pushed the fuel into the fire with her foot; let

her not do so in future, and she will be freed; and the woman has the

thatching grass stuck to her head because when she saw a friend with

straw sticking in her hair she did not tell her about it; let her do

so in future and she will be freed; and the woman has the pai measure

stuck to her throat because, when her neighbour wanted to borrow her

measure, she would not lend it; let her do so in future and she will

be freed." And Karam Gosain asked whether they had seen an elephant

and a horse and a buffalo and a cow and money and mangoes and figs and

Dharmu said "Yes," but that he had not been able to catch the animals

and the fruit was bad. Karam Gosain promised them that on their way

back they should take possession of all; and they did so and mounted

on the elephant and returned to their home with great wealth. On their

way they met the four women and told them how they could be saved from

their troubles. The villagers welcomed Dharmu and he arranged a great

feast and gave paddy to all the villagers to husk; but when they had

boiled it the weather became cloudy so that they could not dry it,

so they prayed to the sun and he at once shone out and dried the paddy.

Then a day was fixed and they prepared rice beer, and worshipped

Karam Gosain and they danced all night and got very drunk and enjoyed


