The Fairies Threw Dust Into A Man's Eyes Who Saw Them Dance

: Welsh Folk-lore

This tale is taken from Cymru Fu, p. 176, and is from the pen of

Glasynys. I give it in English.

William Ellis, of Cilwern, was once fishing in Llyn Cwm Silin on a dark

cloudy day, when he observed close by, in the rushes, a great number of

men, or beings in the form of men, about a foot high, jumping and


He watched them for hours, and he never heard in all his life such

singing. But William went too near them, and they threw some kind of

dust into his eyes, and whilst he was rubbing his eyes, the little family

disappeared and fled somewhere out of sight and never afterwards was

Ellis able to get a sight of them.

The next tale Glasynys shall relate in his own words. It appears in

Cymru Fu immediately after the one just related.

