

1. It was formerly believed that men could sell themselves to the devil,

and thus become the possessors of supernatural power. These men were

looked upon as malicious conjurors.

2. Another species of conjurors practised magical arts, having obtained

their knowledge from the study of books. These were accounted able to

thwart the designs of evil workers of every description.

3. There was
another class of men supposed to have obtained strange

power from their ancestors. They were looked upon as charmers and

conjurors by descent.

1. Those who belonged to the first-mentioned class were not in communion

with the Church, and the first step taken by them to obtain their object

was to unbaptize themselves. The process was as follows:--The person who

wished to sell himself to the devil went to a Holy Well, took water

therefrom three times into his mouth, and spurted it out in a derisive

manner, and thus having relieved himself, as it was thought, of his

baptismal vow, he was ready and fit to make a contract with the evil one.

2. The second kind of conjurors obtained their knowledge of the occult

science from the study of books. Generally learned men were by the

ignorant supposed to possess uncanny power. When the writer lived in

Carnarvonshire he was informed that Owen Williams, Waenfawr, had magical

books kept in a box under lock and key, and that he never permitted

anyone to see them. Poor Owen Williams, I wonder whether he knew of the

popular rumour!

The following tale of Huw Llwyd's books I obtained from the Rev. R.

Jones, rector of Llanycil.

