Satan Taking Possession Of A Man Who Fished On Sunday
The following tale is in its main features still current in Cynwyd, a
village about two miles from Corwen. The first reference to the story
that I am acquainted with appeared in an essay sent in to a local
Eisteddfod in 1863. The story is thus related in this essay:--
About half a mile from Cynwyd is the 'Mill Waterfall,' beneath which
there is a deep linn or whirlpool, where a man, who was fishing there on
Sunday, once found an enormous fish. 'I will catch him, though the D---l
take me,' said the presumptuous man. The fish went under the fall, the
man followed him, and was never afterwards seen. Such is the tale, but
it is, or was believed, that Satan had changed himself into a fish, and
by allurement got the man into his power and carried him bodily to the
nethermost regions.