Water In Basin Divination


Should young persons wish to know whether their husbands were to be

bachelors, or their wives spinsters, the following test was to be

resorted to:--

Three persons were necessary to carry out the test. These three young

ladies were to join in the undertaking and they were to proceed as

follows:--On Nos Calan Gauaf, All Hallow Eve, at night, three basins

were to be placed on a table, one filled with clear spring water, one

with muddy water, and the other empty. The young ladies in turn were

led blindfolded into the room, and to the table, and they were told to

place their hands on the basins. She who placed her hand on the clear

spring water was to marry a bachelor, whilst the one who touched the

basin with muddy water was to wed a widower, and should the empty basin

be touched it foretold that for that person a life of single blessedness

was in store.

