The Sun And The Moon

: Folk-lore And Legends: North American Indian

There were once ten brothers who hunted together, and at night they

occupied the same lodge. One day, after they had been hunting, coming

home they found sitting inside the lodge near the door a beautiful

woman. She appeared to be a stranger, and was so lovely that all the

hunters loved her, and as she could only be the wife of one, they

agreed that he should have her who was most successful in the next

day's hunt. Acc
rdingly, the next day, they each took different ways,

and hunted till the sun went down, when they met at the lodge. Nine of

the hunters had found nothing, but the youngest brought home a deer,

so the woman was given to him for his wife.

The hunter had not been married more than a year when he was seized

with sickness and died. Then the next brother took the girl for his

wife. Shortly after he died also, and the woman married the next

brother. In a short time all the brothers died save the eldest, and he

married the girl. She did not, however, love him, for he was of a

churlish disposition, and one day it came into the woman's head that

she would leave him and see what fortune she would meet with in the

world. So she went, taking only a dog with her, and travelled all day.

She went on and on, but towards evening she heard some one coming

after her who, she imagined, must be her husband. In great fear she

knew not which way to turn, when she perceived a hole in the ground

before her. There she thought she might hide herself, and entering it

with her dog she suddenly found herself going lower and lower, until

she passed through the earth and came up on the other side. Near to

her there was a lake, and a man fishing in it.

"My grandfather," cried the woman, "I am pursued by a spirit."

"Leave me," cried Manabozho, for it was he, "leave me. Let me be


The woman still begged him to protect her, and Manabozho at length


"Go that way, and you shall be safe."

Hardly had she disappeared when the husband, who had discovered the

hole by which his wife had descended, came on the scene.

"Tell me," said he to Manabozho, "where has the woman gone?"

"Leave me," cried Manabozho, "don't trouble me."

"Tell me," said the man, "where is the woman?" Manabozho was silent,

and the husband, at last getting angry, abused him with all his might.

"The woman went that way," said Manabozho at last. "Run after her, but

you shall never catch her, and you shall be called Gizhigooke (day

sun), and the woman shall be called Tibikgizis (night sun)."

So the man went on running after his wife to the west, but he has

never caught her, and he pursues her to this day.

