Caellwyngrydd Spirit
Welsh Folk-lore
This was a dangerous Spirit. People passing along the road were stoned
by it; its work was always mischievous and hurtful. At last it was
exorcised and sent far away to the Red Sea, but it was permitted to
return the length of a barley corn every year towards its lost home.
From the tales already given, it is seen that the people believed in the
possibility of getting rid of troublesome Spirits, and the person whose
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aid was sought on these occasions was often a minister of religion. We
have seen how Griffiths of Llanarmon had reached notoriety in this
direction, and he lived in quite modern times. The clergy were often
consulted in matters of this kind, and they were commonly believed to
have power over Spirits. The Rev. Walter Davies had great credit as a
Spirit layer, and he lived far into the present century. Going further
back, I find that Archdeacon Edmund Prys, and his contemporary and
friend, Huw Llwyd, were famous opponents of Evil Spirits, and their
services are said to have been highly appreciated, because always
successful. The manner of laying Spirits differed. In this century,
prayer and Bible reading were usually resorted to, but in other days,
incantation was employed. We have seen how Griffiths surrounded himself
with an enchanted circle, which the Spirit could not break through. This
ring was thought to be impervious to the Ghost tribe, and therefore it
was the protection of the person whom it surrounded. The Spirit was
invoked and commanded to depart by the person within the magic ring and
it obeyed the mandate. Sometimes it was found necessary to conduct a
service in Church, in Latin by night, the Church being lit up with
consecrated candles, ere the Ghost could be overcome.
When Spirits were being laid, we are told that they presented themselves
in various forms to the person engaged in laying them, and that
ultimately they foolishly came transformed into some innocuous insect or
animal, which he was able to overcome. The simplicity of the Ghosts is
ridiculous, and can only be understood by supposing that the various
steps in the contest for the mastery are not forthcoming, that they have
been lost.
These various metamorphoses would imply that transmigration was believed
in by our forefathers.