Wild Men
Sometimes a specimen of humanity has got astray in infancy, and has been
dragged up somehow in the woods, like Caspar Hauser, and Peter the Wild
Boy, and fiction supplies other instances, such as Romulus and Remus,
Orson, &c. Some of them were credited with being hairy as are the
accompanying wild man and woman, as they are portrayed in John Sluper's
book, where they are thus described:--
"Combien que Dieu le createur seul sage,
A fait user les hommes de raison:
Icy voyez un vray homme sauvage,
Son corps vela est en toute saison."
"Femme sauvage a l'oeil humain, non sainte,
Ainsi qu'elle est sur le naturel lieu,
Au naturel vous est icy depeinte,
Comme voyez qu'il appert a votre vue."
When Caesar came to Britain for the second time, he found the Britons,
although to a great extent civilised, having cavalry and charioteers (so
many of the latter, that Cassivelaunus left about 4000 to watch the
Romans), and knowing the art of fortification, yet in themselves, only
just emerging from utter barbarism--the colouring and shaving of
themselves showed that they had vanity, and were making, after their
fashion, the most of their personal charms. Caesar (Book v. 14) writes:
"Of all these tribes, by far the most civilised are those who inhabit
Kent, which district is altogether maritime; nor do they differ much
from the Gallic customs. Most of those in the interior do not sow corn,
but live on flesh and milk, and are clad in skins. All the Britons, in
truth, dye themselves with woad, which produces a bluish colour, and on
this account they are of a more frightful aspect in battle. They have
flowing hair, and every part of the body shaved, except the head and the
upper lip. Ten, and even twelve of them have wives in common between
them, and chiefly brothers with brothers, and fathers with sons; but, if
there is any offspring, they are considered to be the children of those
by whom each virgin was first espoused."