Satan Playing Cards
A good many years ago I travelled from Pentrevoelas to Yspytty in company
with Mr. Lloyd, the then vicar of the latter parish, who, when crossing
over a bridge that spanned a foaming mountain torrent, called my
attention to the spot, and related to me the following tale connected
with the place:--
A man was returning home late one night from a friend's house, where he
had spent the evening in card playing
and as he was walking along he was
joined by a gentleman, whose conversation was very interesting. At last
they commenced talking about card playing, and the stranger invited the
countryman to try his skill with him, but as it was late, and the man
wanted to go home, he declined, but when they were on the bridge his
companion again pressed him to have a game on the parapet, and proceeded
to take out of his pocket a pack of cards, and at once commenced dealing
them out; consequently, the man could not now refuse to comply with the
request. With varying success game after game was played, but ultimately
the stranger proved himself the more skilful player. Just at this
juncture a card fell into the water; and in their excitement both players
looked over the bridge after it, and the countryman saw to his horror
that his opponent's head, reflected in the water, had on it two horns.
He immediately turned round to have a careful look at his companion; he,
however, did not see him, but in his place was a ball of fire, which
flashed away from his sight.
I must say that when I looked over the bridge I came to the conclusion
that nothing could have been reflected in the water, for it was a rushing
foaming torrent, with no single placid spot upon its surface.
Another version of the preceding tale I obtained from the Rev. Owen
Jones. In this instance the cloven foot and not the horned head was
detected. The scene of this tale is laid in the parish of Rhuddlan near