The Blind Worm Or Slow Worm
This reptile is a snake, varying from twelve to eighteen inches long.
Its head is small, and its movements very rapid. At the slightest noise,
it darts away in a moment, and hides among rocks, stones, or rank grass.
It is said to have no eyes, but this is a popular mistake--hence,
however, its name, Blind Worm. This beautiful timid creature is often
wantonly cut into pieces by its cruel and mistaken captors, for they
credit it with the possession of evil propensities. It is said that,
could it see, it would be a formidable enemy to man and beast. This
supposition has found strength and sanction in doggerel verse. The Blind
Worm is said to address the adder as follows:--
If I could see,
As well as thee,
Man nor beast
Should ne'er pass me.
Another version of these lines, heard in Shropshire, on the borders of
Wales, is:--
If I had one eye,
As thou hast two,
No man should live,
Nor beast should loo (low).
These doggerel lines indicate clearly the dread in which this innocent
snake is held.