Animal Medicine
We have already seen some of the wonderfully curative properties of
animals--let us learn something of their own medical attainments--as
described by Pliny. "The hippopotamus has even been our instructor in
one of the operations of medicine. When the animal has become too bulky,
by continued overfeeding, it goes down to the banks of the river, and
examines the reeds which have been newly cut; as soon as it has found a
tump that is very sharp, it presses its body against it, and so wounds
one of the veins in the thigh; and by the flow of blood thus produced,
the body, which would otherwise have fallen into a morbid state, is
relieved; after which, it covers up the wound with mud.
"The bird, also, which is called the Ibis, a native of the same country
of Egypt, has shewn us some things of a similar nature. By means of its
hooked beak, it laves the body through that part by which it is
especially necessary for health, that the residuous food should be
discharged. Nor, indeed, are these the only inventions which have been
borrowed from animals to prove of use to man. The power of the herb
dittany, in extracting arrows, was first disclosed to us by stags that
had been struck by that weapon; the weapon being discharged on their
feeding upon this plant. The same animals, too, when they happen to have
been wounded by the phalangium, a species of spider, or by any insect
of a similar nature, cure themselves by eating crabs. One of the very
best remedies for the bite of the serpent, is the plant with which
lizards treat their wounds when injured in fighting with each other. The
swallow has shown us that the chelidonia is very serviceable to the
sight, by the fact of its employing it for the cure of its young, when
their eyes are affected. The tortoise recruits its powers of effectually
resisting serpents by eating the plant which is known as cunile
bubula; and the weasel feeds on rue, when it fights with the serpent
in pursuit of mice. The Stork cures itself of its diseases, with wild
marjoram, and the wild boar with ivy, as also by eating crabs, and,
more particularly, those that have been thrown up by the sea.
"The snake, when the membrane which covers its body, has been contracted
by the cold of winter, throws it off in the spring, by the aid of the
juices of fennel, and thus becomes sleek and youthful in appearance.
First of all it disengages the head, and then it takes no less than a
day and a night in working itself out, and divesting itself of the
membrane in which it has been enclosed. The same animal, too, on finding
its sight weakened during its winter retreat, anoints and refreshes its
eyes by rubbing itself on the plant called fennel, or marathrum;
but, if any of the scales are slow in coming off, it rubs itself against
the thorns of the juniper. The dragon relieves the nausea which
affects it in spring, with the juices of the lettuce. The barbarous
nations go to hunt the panther, provided with meat that has been rubbed
with Aconite, which is a poison. Immediately on eating it, compression
of the throat overtakes them, from which circumstance it is, that the
plant has received the name of pardalianches (pard-strangler). The
animal, however, has found an antidote against this poison in human
excrements; besides which, it is so eager to get at them, that the
shepherds purposely suspend them in a vessel, placed so high, that the
animal cannot reach them, even by leaping, when it endeavours to get at
them; accordingly, it continues to leap, until it has quite exhausted
itself, and at last expires: otherwise, it is so tenacious of life that
it will continue to fight, long after its intestines have been dragged
out of its body.
"When an elephant has happened to devour a chameleon, which is of the
same colour with the herbage, it counteracts this poison by means of the
wild olive. Bears, when they have eaten of the fruit of the
Mandrake, lick up numbers of Ants. The Stag counteracts the effect of
poisonous plants by eating the artichoke. Wood pigeons, jackdaws,
blackbirds, and partridges, purge themselves once a year by eating bay
leaves; pigeons, turtle-doves, and poultry, with wall pellitory, or
helxine; ducks, geese, and other aquatic birds of a similar nature,
with the bulrush. The raven, when it has killed a chameleon, a contest
in which even the conqueror suffers, counteracts the poison by means of