Crayfish And Crabs
Pliny tells us that in the Indian Ocean are Crayfish four cubits in
length (six feet), and he claims for crabs a sovereign specific against
bites of scorpions and snakes:--"River-Crabs taken fresh and beaten up
and drunk in water, or the ashes of them, kept for the purpose, are
useful in all cases of poisoning, as a counter poison; taken with asses'
milk they are particularly serviceable as a neutralizer of the venom of
the scorpion; goat's milk or any other kind of milk being substituted,
where asses' milk cannot be procured. Wine, too, should also be used in
all such cases. River-Crabs beaten up with Ocimum, and applied to
Scorpions, are fatal to them. They are possessed of similar virtues,
also, for the bites of all other kinds of venomous animals, the Scytale
in particular, adders, the sea hare, and the bramble frog. The ashes of
them, preserved, are good for persons who give symptoms of hydrophobia
after being bitten by a mad dog, some adding gentian as well, and
administering the mixture in wine. In cases, too, where hydrophobia has
already appeared, it is recommended, that these ashes should be kneaded
up into boluses with wine and swallowed. If ten of these crabs be tied
together with a handful of Ocimum, all the scorpions in the
neighbourhood, the magicians say, will be attracted to the spot. They
recommend, also, that to wounds inflicted by the scorpion, these crabs,
or the ashes of them, should be applied with Ocimum. For all these
purposes, however, sea crabs, it should be remembered, are not so
useful. Thrasyllus informs us that there is nothing so antagonistic to
serpents as crabs: that swine, when stung by a serpent, cure themselves
by eating them; and that, when the sun is in the sign of Cancer,
serpents suffer the greatest tortures....
"It is said that while the sun is passing through the sign of Cancer,
the dead bodies of the crabs, which are lying on the shore, are
transformed into serpents."