The Antelope

When not taken from living specimens, or skins, the artists of old drew

somewhat upon their imaginations for their facts, as is the case with

this Antelope, of which Topsell gives the following description:--"They

are bred in India, and Syria, neere the River Euphrates, and

delight much to drinke of the cold water thereof. Their bodie is like

the body of a Roe, and they have hornes growing forthe of the crowne

of their
head, which are very long and sharpe; so that Alexander

affirmed that they pierced through the sheeldes of his Souldiers, and

fought with them very irefully: at which time his company slew as he

travelled to India, eight thousand, five hundred, and fifty; which

great slaughter may be the occasion why they are so rare, and seldome

seene to this day, by cause thereby the breeders, and meanes of their

continuance (which consisted in their multitude) were weakened and

destroyed. Their hornes are great, and made like a saw, and they, with

them, can cut asunder the braunches of Osier, or small trees, whereby

it commeth to passe that many times their necks are taken in the twists

of the falling boughes, whereat the Beast with repining cry, bewrayeth

himselfe to the Hunters, and so is taken. The vertues of this Beast are

unknowne, and therefore Suidas sayth an Antalope is but good in


