The Kraken
This enormous monster, peculiar to the Northern Seas, is scarcely a
fable, because huge Calamaries are not infrequently seen. Poor
Pontoppidan has often been considered a Danish Ananias, but there are
authentic accounts of these enormous Cuttle-fish; for instance, in 1854,
one was stranded at the Skag, in Jutland, which was cut in pieces by the
fishermen in order to be used as bait, and filled many wheelbarrows.
, either in 1860 or 1861, was stranded between Hillswick and
Scalloway, on the west of Scotland, and its tentacles were sixteen feet
long, the pedal arms about half as long, and its body seven feet. The
French ship Alecton, on 30th November 1861, between Madeira and
Teneriffe, slipped a rope with a running knot over an enormous calamary,
but only brought a portion on board, the body breaking off. It was
estimated at being sixteen to eighteen feet in length, without counting
its arms. The legend of its sinking ships and taking sailors from them
is common to many countries, even the Chinese and Japanese thus
depicting them.
Olaus Magnus gives us a graphic picture of a huge Polyp, thus seizing a
sailor, and dragging him from his ship in spite of all his efforts to
prevent him. On the next page is a huge calamary shown with a man in its
clutches. This is both in Gesner and Aldrovandus. But this terror to
mariners had its master in the Conger eel. Gesner, who has taken his
picture from some description of the World, introduces it as a
Sea-Serpent; but Aristotle says that "the Congers devour the Polypi,
which cannot adhere to them on account of the smoothness of their
surface." Magnus also speaks of the antipathy between the two.
According to Pliny, quoting Trebius Niger, the Polypus shows a fair
amount of cunning:--"Shell fish are destitute of sight, and, indeed, all
other sensations but those which warn them of hunger, and the approach
of danger. Hence it is that the Polypus lies in ambush till the fish
opens its shell, immediately upon which, it places within it a small
pebble, taking care, at the same time, to keep it from touching the body
of the animal, lest, by making some movement, it should chance to eject
it. Having made itself thus secure, it attacks its prey, and draws out
the flesh, while the other tries to contract itself, but all in vain, in
consequence of the separation of the shell, thus effected by the
insertion of the wedge.
"In addition to the above, the same author states that there is not an
animal in existence, that is more dangerous for its powers of destroying
a human being when in the water. Embracing his body, it counteracts his
struggles, and draws him under with its feelers and its numerous
suckers, when, as often is the case, it happens to make an attack upon
a shipwrecked mariner or a child. If, however, the animal is turned
over, it loses all its power; for when it is thrown upon its back, the
arms open of themselves.
"The other particulars which the same author has given, appear still
more closely to border upon the marvellous. At Carteia, in the preserves
there, a Polypus was in the habit of coming from the sea to the pickling
tubs that were left open, and devouring the fish laid in salt there--for
it is quite astonishing how eagerly all sea animals follow even the very
smell of salted condiments, so much so, that it is for this reason that
the fishermen take care to rub the inside of the wicker fish-kipes with
them.--At last, by its repeated thefts and immoderate depredations, it
drew down upon itself the wrath of the keepers of the works. Palisades
were placed before them, but these the Polypus managed to get over by
the aid of a tree, and was only caught at last by calling in the
assistance of trained dogs, which surrounded it at night, as it was
returning with its prey; upon which, the keepers, awakened by the noise,
were struck with alarm at the novelty of the sight presented.
"First of all, the size of the Polypus was enormous beyond all
conception: and then it was covered all over with dried brine, and
exhaled a most dreadful stench. Who could have expected to find a
Polypus there, or could have recognised it as such, under these
circumstances? They really thought that they were joining battle with
some monster, for at one instant, it would drive off the dogs by its
horrible fumes, and lash at them with the extremities of its feelers;
while at another, it would strike them with its stronger arms, giving
blows with so many clubs, as it were; and it was only with the greatest
difficulty that it could be dispatched with the aid of a considerable
number of three-pronged fish-spears. The head of this animal was shewn
to Lucullus; it was in size as large as a cask of fifteen amphorae
(about 135 gallons), and had a beard (iti tentaculae), to use the
expression of Trebius himself, which could hardly be encircled with both
arms, full of knots, like those upon a club, and thirty feet in length;
the suckers, or calicules, as large as an urn, resembled a basin in
shape, while the teeth again were of a corresponding largeness: its
remains, which were carefully preserved as a curiosity, weighed seven
hundred pounds."
Olaus Magnus says:--"On the Coasts of Norway there is a Polypus, or
creature with many feet, which hath a pipe on his back, whereby he puts
to Sea, and he moves that sometimes to the right, and sometimes to the
left. Moreover, with his Legs as it were by hollow places, dispersed
here and there, and by his Toothed Nippers, he fastneth on every living
Creature that comes near to him, that wants blood. Whatever he eats he
heaps up in the holes where he resides: Then he casts out the Skins,
having eaten the flesh, and hunts after fishes that swim to them: Also
he casts out the shels, and hard outsides of Crabs that remain. He
changeth his colour by the colour of the stone he sticks unto,
especially when he is frighted at the sight of his Enemy, the Conger. He
hath 4 great middle feet, in all 8; a little body, which the great feet
make amends for. He hath also some small feet that are shadowed and can
scarce be perceived. By these he sustains, moves, and defends himself,
and takes hold of what is from him: and he lies on his back upon the
stones, that he can scarce be gotten off, onlesse you put some stinking
smell to him."