The Dog-fish And Ray
Olaus Magnus writes of "The cruelty of some Fish, and the kindness of
others. There is a fish of the kind of Sea-Dogfish, called Boloma, in
Italian, and in Norway, Haafisck, that will set upon a man
swimming in the Salt-Waters, so greedily, in Troops, unawares, that he
will sink a man to the bottome, not only by his biting, but also by his
weight; and he will eat his more tender parts, as his nostrils, fingers,
&c., un
il such time as the Ray come to revenge these injuries; which
runs thorow the Waters armed with her natural fins, and with some
violence drives away these fish that set upon the drown'd man, and doth
what he can to urge him to swim out. And he also keeps the man, until
such time as his spirit being quite gone; and after some days, as the
Sea naturally purgeth itself, he is cast up. This miserable spectacle is
seen on the Coasts of Norway when men go to wash themselves, namely,
strangers and Marriners that are ignorant of the dangers, leap out of
their ships into the sea. For these Dogfish, or Boloma, lie hid under
the ships riding at Anchor as Water Rams, that they may catch men, their
malicious natures stirring them to it."