The Hoopoe And Lapwing

Whether the following bird is meant for the Hoopoe, or the Lapwing, I

know not. The Latin version has "De Upupis," which clearly means

Hoopoes--and the translation says, "Of the Whoups or Lapwings"--I follow

the latter. "Lapwings, when at a set time they come to the Northern

Countries from other parts, they foreshew the nearnesse of the Spring

coming on. It is a Bird that is full of crying and lamentation, to

er Eggs, or young. By importunate crying, she shews that Foxes

lye hid in the grasse; and so she cries out in all places, to drive away

dogs and other Beasts. They fight with Swallows, Pies, and Jackdaws.

"On Hillocks, in Lakes, she lays her Eggs, and hatcheth her young ones.

Made tame she will cleane a house of Flyes, and catch Mice. She

foreshews Rain when she cries; which also Field Scorpions do, called

Mares, Cuckows; who by flying overthwart, and crying loudly, foreshew

Rain at hand; also the larger Scorpions, with huge long snouts, fore

signifie Rain; so do Woodpeckers. There is a Bird also called Rayn, as

big as a Partridge that hath Feathers of divers colours, of a yellow,

white, and black colour: This is supposed to live upon nothing but Ayr,

though she be fat, nothing is found in her belly. The Fowlers hunt her

with long poles, which they cast high in the Ayr to fright her, so that

they may catch the Bird flying down."

